The Leadership Garden Newsletter – #45
Even Midjourney is happy for springtime
Hello friend, I’m Csaba from Leadership Garden, and this is a weekly list of interesting articles that I come across that help me grow my thinking.
I hope you find something new to think about and share it with your friends.
And, if you forgot, this is in your inbox because you asked me to send it to you. You can always unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.
Navigating the unpredictability of everything
This post is worth bookmarking and revisiting if you want to comprehend how to create a business or why founders behave in a certain way. It's a crucial checklist to reflect on while thinking about your business, whether you're a founder or an employee.
Being Right Doesn’t Matter
Roy talks about an important distinction between being correct as a leader and being successful in convincing others that you're correct. There’s a lingering sense of need for a blog post elaborating on the fine balance between coming up with an answer alone and pushing it through your team vs. coming with no proposals and having utter chaos or analysis paralysis.
The Ambiguous Zone
As engineers, we're sometimes caught in a dilemma - whether to do what we're told or trust our instincts and do what we think is best. For instance, if we get incomplete specs, we may wonder if we should follow them to the T or take the liberty to fill in the gaps ourselves.
Talking about risk with thresholds
An excellent short article about how risks are not binary things.
Is there a drop in software engineer job openings, globally?
Another analysis from Gergely Orosz: “All together, we can say that the second half of 2021 saw a spike in software engineer job listings, and also that listings are today roughly at the level they were in February 2020 in the US, Canada and UK, and for the Hacker News startup and scaleup job opportunities.”
Striking the balance between analysis and feedback - Cynefin for Developers
A spin on one of my favorite mental model frameworks. “The domains are applicable to many different types of problem. Two of them – complex and complicated – are particularly applicable to software, so let’s look at how we can tell which domain we’re in.”
This week’s parting piece of wisdom: If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.
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